Tour of Sapporo’s sightseeing spots: Discover dynamic seasonal sights

  • : 1 day
  • Route: Hill of the Buddha → Sapporo Art Park → Hokkaido University → Mt. Moiwa → Tanuki Koji Shopping Street
  • MAP

Hill of the Buddha
( : 1 hour)

Useful Info
  • The Hill of the Buddha is about 1 hour from Sapporo Station by subway and bus.
  • The bus from Makomanai Station to the Hill of the Buddha runs once an hour from 9:00 am to 1:00 pm. The last return bus is around 2:00 pm. Since the bus schedule is limited, it’s best to check it here in advance.
  • A 300 yen entrance fee per person is requested to enter the hall that houses the Great Buddha (children 12 years and younger are free).
  • The entrance fee can be paid at the automated payment machine upon entry in cash (coins or 1,000 yen notes only) or by credit card.
  • The Great Buddha is located in a lavender field—peak season is from mid to late July.
  • Be sure to check the opening hours before visiting because they differ between summer (April to October) and winter (November to March).

In recent years, the Hill of the Buddha is a spot that’s garnered a lot of attention in Sapporo. It has earned its place among Japan’s famous Great Buddhas, including those in Kyoto, Nara and Kamakura, as one not to be missed!

Sign inside Makomanai Station pointing to the bus stop
Makomanai Station No. 2 Bus Stop

The Hill of the Buddha is about 1 hour and 30 minutes from central Sapporo City by public transport. First, you’ll take a subway from Sapporo Station to Makomanai Sation. Once you pass the ticket gates at Makomanai Station, make your way to the south end by turning left and board the 真108 bus at the No. 2 Bus Stop. The trip will take around 23 minutes. Get off at the Makomanai Takino Cemetery stop (真駒内滝野霊園) where the Hill of the Buddha is located.

The Hill of the Buddha is located in a corner of a cemetery lined with graves. Designed by world-renowned architect Tadao Ando, this Great Buddha is truly one of a kind—when you look at it from the outside only part of its head can be seen peeking above a domed hill.

In order to see the Great Buddha, you must walk around a water garden at the entrance of the hall and pass through a tunnel. The water garden has been installed here to act as a kekkai in Buddhism, something that separates the outer world from the inner sanctum. In other words, it can be seen as a boundary between our daily lives and the extraordinary world of the Great Buddha.

Once you have passed through the tunnel, you finally come face to face with the Great Buddha. This dignified statue enshrined inside an impressive stone hall is nothing short of majestic. As you look up to take it all in, you’ll be blown away by the captivating view of the Great Buddha and the sky above.

Next to the Great Buddha, there is a place selling ema, small wooden plaques for writing prayers or wishes, and omikuji, fortunes written on strips of paper. Why not create nice memories of your visit here by trying your luck with an omikuji or drawing a picture of your face or the face of someone you care about on an ema?

The scenery of the Hill of the Buddha changes with each season—cherry blossoms in spring, lavender in summer, autumn leaves in autumn and white snow in winter. No matter which season you visit, the Great Buddha’s head peering out of the domed hill gives a unique presence.

There’s also a row of Moai statues and a replica of Stonehenge located near the Hill of the Buddha, which are definitely worth checking out. They’re placed here because they’re said to be ancient tombs. Seeing these unique sculptures after having visited the inner sanctum of the Great Buddha will have you feeling like you’ve wandered into a different world. Take your time to enjoy this unique experience to the fullest until it’s time to hop onto the return bus.

Click here for more details on the Hill of the Buddha

Sapporo Art Park
( : 2 hours)

Useful Info

  • Sapporo Art Park is about 10 minutes from the Hill of the Buddha by bus.
  • Board the 真106 bus at the Takino Toge Bus Stop located at the entry of the cemetery where the Hill of the Buddha is, and get off at the Geijutsunomori Center Bus Stop. Please note that you cannot get to Sapporo Art Park from the same bus stop where you got off when you arrived at the Hill of the Buddha.
  • The bus runs once an hour with the last bus leaving around 6:30 pm.
  • You can bring your own food and drink into Sapporo Art Park. It’s a great place to lay out a picnic rug or take a stroll.

After taking in the otherworldly sights at the Hill of the Buddha, head to Sapporo Art Park for even more art intertwined with abundant nature. This vast comprehensive art facility is full of fascinating installations spread across its 40-hectare grounds. A great place to start is the Sapporo Sculpture Garden where art and nature seamlessly complement each other.

The garden features 74 sculptures crafted by 64 artists, dotted amid lush greenery and rolling hills. Many of the sculptures have been newly designed with their placement in the garden in mind, including aspects such as the topography, surrounding landscape and Sapporo’s climate. The garden reveals a different face with the passing seasons and depending on the weather and time of day—it’s truly an art space in harmony with nature. With a plethora of things to see, Sapporo Art Park will have you wanting to come back again and again.

Sapporo Art Park also features an indoor art museum that holds a diverse range of exhibitions at different times of the year, and facilities where you can try your hand at various crafts and woodblock prints. You can even join some of the hands-on activities without a reservation, so why not create something to commemorate your visit?
The verdant grounds and fragrant trees are bound to fill you with a sense of relaxation as you stroll through the park.

Click here for more details on Sapporo Art Park

Hokkaido University
( : 1 hour)

Useful Info

  • About 50 minutes from Sapporo Art Park by bus and subway.
  • Take the 真106 bus for Makomanai Subway Station from either the Geijutsunomori Center Bus Stop inside Sapporo Art Park or the Geijutsunomori Iriguchi Bus Stop for about 15 minutes. After getting off at Makomanai Station, take the subway to Sapporo Station, then walk about 10 minutes to reach Hokkaido University.

After exploring the convergence of art and nature on the city’s outskirts, head back to the center where you can step into a nature-rich urban oasis at Hokkaido University, an education and cultural center loved by locals. Founded in 1876 as Sapporo Agricultural College, the university is one of the largest national universities in Japan and is renowned for developing the foundation of agriculture in Hokkaido and producing many outstanding alumni. Some of the buildings from the time of its founding are still in use today.

When you arrive at the university, pass through the main gate and make your way to the Information Center (Elm Forest Shop) to pick up a campus map. The expansive 177-hectare campus is a treasure trove of sightseeing spots. Along with the university museum and historical buildings, the campus is blessed with abundant natural beauty. Japanese elms and poplars line the streets, and there is a corridor of ginkgo trees, which turn a spectacular yellow in the fall. Despite being in the middle of the city, you’ll find virgin forests and farms where cows and sheep graze with a sprawling metropolis in the background—a classic Sapporo scene where lush nature harmoniously coexists with the bustling city.
The campus provides an opportunity to glimpse daily life in Sapporo, as its vast grounds attract many people who come to take a stroll or go for a run.

While exploring the campus, you’ll want to stop by Seicomart, the beloved Hokkaido-based convenience store chain. This convenience store boasts a wide selection of products made with local ingredients and is a must-visit spot to add to your Hokkaido itinerary. If you’re feeling hungry, the Hot Chef section is perfect for grabbing some tasty food freshly prepared in store, such as fried chicken and katsudon.
The Hokkaido University store also features a helpful tourist information corner and exclusive souvenirs made in collaboration with Hokkaido University that you can only get here. The store also has a terrace on the second floor. If you’re tired from walking around the campus, grab some snacks from downstairs and head upstairs to take a load off and enjoy a break.

Click here for more details on Hokkaido University

Mt. Moiwa
( : 1 hour)

Useful Info

  • Mt. Moiwa is about 1 hour from Hokkaido University by subway and streetcar.
  • It’s a 10-minute walk from Hokkaido University to the nearest subway station, Sapporo Station, but if it’s a sunny day, walking directly to Odori Station is also a treat. When the sun is shining, you can head there aboveground but if it’s raining, there’s also the underground passageway (Chi-Ka-Ho).
  • From Odori, board the streetcar at the Nishi Yon Chome Station for about 20 minutes. Get off at the Ropeway Iriguchi Station and walk for about 10 minutes to the Mt. Moiwa Ropeway Sanroku Station. From there, take a ropeway and cable car to the summit of Mt. Moiwa.
  • Tickets are required for both the ropeway and the mini cable car. The best value is a return trip ticket that includes both the ropeway and the mini car for 2,100 yen for adults and 1,050 yen for children (age 12 and under). You can buy your tickets from the ticket counter on the fourth floor of the Sanroku Station.

As dusk begins to approach, start making your way to Mt. Moiwa. Take the streetcar to the Ropeway Iriguchi Station, then head to the Sapporo Mt. Moiwa Ropeway Sanroku Station.

To get to the summit of Mt. Moiwa, take the ropeway from the Sanroku Station, then the mini cable car.

The ropeway has big windows so as the car climbs you can take in the spectacular view of the cityscape gradually spreading out in front of you. Another highlight is the seasonal scenery of Mt. Moiwa, which is colored by deep green foliage in spring and summer, burnt orange autumn leaves in autumn and white snow in winter.

From the summit observation deck, you can take in an enthralling 360-degree panoramic view of Sapporo City. Sapporo is a city of 1.9 million people, and the sight of the twinkling lights blanketing Sapporo’s endless city streets is truly spectacular. If you have time, it’s worth heading to the summit a little earlier to watch the first tinges of dusk give way to night and enjoy what is bound to be an enchanting golden hour.

Sapporo boasts one of the most beautiful night views in Japan and was even chosen as one of Japan’s New Three Most Spectacular Night Views. Make sure you check out this breathtaking night view for yourself!

Click here for more details on Mt. Moiwa

Tanuki Koji Shopping Street
( : 1 hour)

Useful Info

  • Tanuki Koji Shopping Street is about 1 hour from Mt. Moiwa.
  • Take the streetcar from the Ropeway Iriguchi Station to Tanuki Koji Station.
  • This shopping arcade is an impressive 900 m in total, spanning seven blocks with roughly 200 shops.

After descending from Mt. Moiwa, wrap up the day by heading out to the Tanuki Koji Shopping Street. After a day filled with shoppers, it’s bustling with people who come here to enjoy the restaurants.

Tanuki Koji has long been known as a popular spot for ramen, and is lined with many famous restaurants, as well as seafood, soup curry, and other delicacies unique to Hokkaido and Sapporo.

In addition to street-facing shops, there are lots of hidden gems to be found in places that branch off the arcade, like the laneway-style food spot TANUKI COMICHI in 2-chome and the local favorite, Tanuki Koji Market, in 6-chome. If you’re not sure what to eat, these two spots are the perfect place to enjoy some restaurant hopping.

Click here for more details on Tanuki Koji Shopping Street
Click here for more details about Sushi & Seafood
Click here for more details about Soup Curry